Mike Upton ... Author

The End is Always Final

This is the fifth and last novel in the quintology about Sir Mark Watson, international businessman and serial womaniser. Having extracted himself from the rigors and constant pressures of managing publically quoted companies on the London Stock Exchange and following his various purchases of different companies that he personally owns, Mark now embarks on the latest and most complex acquisition of his long and varied career.

A moribund multi-site conglomerate poised on the edge of bankruptcy is for sale but the price is high. He must quickly raise £70m pounds to acquire it. But if he can buy it at the right price and then re-sell their sites he will make a great deal of money to acquire further companies. But to his annoyance he is refused loans by UK, European and Chinese banks, so he seeks to raise the money from South American and Arab banks as well as business investors in the USA.

Yet while he is tackling all those challenges he still finds time to bed various women, as well as planning to get re-married to his former wife Abi, who unaware of his continuing affairs and constant cheating on her, is busily planning the new marriage.

A fast moving story which twists and turns, but leads eventually to a most unexpected ending.

The End is always Final


  • Language: English
  • Publication Date: 27/01/2015
  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 6x9
  • Page Count: 310
  • ISBN: 9781504936378
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 6x9
  • Page Count: 310
  • ISBN: 9781504936316
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